Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring has Sprung

In the yard, clearing away last summer's now dormant growth, I am reminded of the cycle of life. Breaking off the empty seed pods that once where last season's flowers I am mindful of the new growth as it timidly pushes its way up through the earth. But mostly I am sore and tired. Seven lawn bags and still a bit more that needs my attention, I have a sense of accomplishment as I soak in the tub and take another ibuprofen.

I practice the springtime ritual of clearing away the old to allow the new. In the house, I am purging old files and income tax records from 2002. This is the time of year that I find hope. Every day a new bud on a tree or a tiny flower adds color to the landscape. The chill in the air contains a ray of sunshine. I open the windows. The air smells fresh. We set the clocks ahead. I've lost an hour, but gained more light....

Update, March 20th, first day of Spring and a cold front blows in north Texas and the Panhandle is under snow again. In central Texas, we are in the low 40's with wind gusts up to 30 miles an hour. Guess Old Man Winter needed another day.

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