Sunday, February 21, 2010

Corn Huskers Lotion

I suppose that I know about this lotion because my mom had it in her cabinet and so did her mom and probably her mom's mom too. Corn Huskers has been around a long time because it works. Sometime around the turn of the 20th century, this lotion was developed by a pharmacist and sold in the corn growing regions of the Midwest to help heal and sooth the dry cracked hands of the corn pickers and shuckers. Today Johnson and Johnson, who owns Pfizer, owns the patent to Corn Huskers Lotion.

Corn Huskers is the only lotion that will, after only one application, soften the tips of my fingers when they become like tiny bits of sandpaper. The weather was incredibly nice on Sunday so I spent a while in the garden digging around, pulling weeds and planting. By evening, my fingers were so rough to touch that they hurt. Just a little dab will do ya of this powerful water and glycerin based lotion. It's all you need to moisturize and repair. Lacking color and fragrance additives, this lotion takes on a gooey phlegm like consistency which cannot compete with its high end drug store companions in scent and appearance, but the price is right at just about $4.00 for a seven ounce bottle. Its my best investment for those times when daily body lotion just isn't doing the job.

1 comment:

  1. This is good to know. The next time I have to change the belt sanders belt, I can use this. That is the one thing that I hate about having to change the belts is that my hand get roughed up in the process.
