Even if move to the most remote and rural land on Earth, I will still be a part time pioneer. I cannot get away from the river of technology flowing all around me. Today I attended the Texas Computer Education Association Convention in Austin. The convention center was filled with the latest cutting edge software curriculum and hardware devices to educate our K-12 digital natives. As a middle school art educator it is imperative to grab the attention of hormone driven adolescents in order to trick them into learning.
Animoto (http://animoto.com/) did just that. Not only is it slick and sophisticated, it is fast and satisfies the need for instant gratification that they/we crave. In just a few minutes I uploaded about 15 pictures to the online program, added copyright free music from their collection and rendered a professional quality video. The program adds edits and transitions to the tempo of the music in a seamless intuitive Pandora-like (http://www.pandora.com) style.
I think that this free program will keep me and my students amused for awhile or until the next wave of technology flows my way.
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